At present, TTD is collecting the donations by way of Cheques / Demand Drafts / e- donations etc., for which we are extending certain privileges to the donors. All these donation were deposited in the banks and the interest received there on is spending to meet the expenditure of the Trust.
(i) If any pilgrim wants to serve free food for 1,00,000 pilgrims on any day on the choice of the Donor, the donor has to donate Rs. 25,00,000/- (Rupees Twenty five lakh only) towards the total expenditure of the Trust Per day and privileges will be extended on the existing conditions.
(ii) If any pilgrim wants to serve free food for minimum 1,000 pilgrims per day on any auspicious day of the Donor, the donor has to donate Rs. 25,000/- (Rupees Twenty five thousand only) and also accepts in multiples and privileges will be extended on the existing conditions.
(iii) Some of the Rice Millers / Farmers are coming forward to donate “Rice” to the S.V.Annaprasadam Trust. To attract these type of donors, the following scheme has been launched.
a) If the pilgrim wants to donate one tonne of Rice to S.V.Annaprasadam Trust, T.T.D., we will accept the equivalent money as donation of one tonne of Rice.
b) For one tonne of Rice and in multiples also will be accepted and extend the privileges on the existing conditions.
c) The rate of Rice may vary from time to time which is being procured by the Marketing Department, T.T. Devasthanams.