Sri Venkateswara Nitya Annadana Seva Endowment Schemes


The Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams have many endowment schemes the purpose of whom is the welfare of pilgrims and improvement in the faclities.

Sri Venkateswara Nitya Annadana Seva

The Thousands who visit Tirumala daily are given free lunch or dinner by the TTD.A seperate dining hall equipped with a modern kitchen caters to hordes of pilgrims who rever the meal as Lord’s prasadam. Every pilgrim is given a entry ticket to the dining hall right after the Darshan. The generous devotees can participate in this scheme by contributing their mite as follows.

  1. Pay a sum of Rupees one thousand or multiples thereof.
    1. Get Income Tax exemption under Section 80(G).
    2. Lord’s Prasadam(Camphor and sandal paste).
  2. Pay a sum of Rupees five lakhs or multiples thereof.
    1. Get free furnished accomodation at Tirumala for three days in a year.
    2. Free darshan with Harathi for 5 members for three days in a year.
    3. A gold plated silver memento embossed with the images of Lord Venkateswara & Goddess lakshmi
    4. Donor’s name & Gothram will read in Srivari koluvu.
    5. Donor’s name will be displayed in the dining hall.
    6. Income Tax exemption under Section 80(G).

The donations can be sent favoring “Sri Venkateswara Nithya Annadana Scheme” at the below address

The Executive Officer,
Tirupati(A.P)-517 501

And also check – TTD Anna Prasadam Center Timings



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