How to reach Tirupati from Jabalpur


Distance between Jabalpur to Tirupati is 1382 km by Road and 1582 km by Rails. Aerial distance is 1056 km.

  • 1056 km (duration: 1:30 mints)
  • 1582 km
  • 1382 km


There is/are 2 direct train(s) from  Jabalpur to Tirupati. These train(s) is/are

The minimum time a train takes to reach Tirupati from Jabalpur is 26h 00m. The fastest way to reach Tirupati from Jabalpur takes you 5h 20m, which is to take Air India from Jabalpur to Hyderabad then take Spicejet from Hyderabad to Tirupati.The cheapest way to reach Tirupati from Jabalpur takes you 26h 00m, which is to take Lko Ypr Sup Exp from Jabalpur to Tirupati.

How to Reach Tirupati to Tirumala

Tirumala has direct bus services from Tirupati with a frequency of a bus in every 2 minutes. Buses and other transport are banned on ghat road from Tirupati to Tirumala between 12 AM and 3 AM. know more also ghat road timings and rules

Divya Darshan means Darshan for all.There is two best ways for pedestrian to reach tirumala.

  1. Alipiri (above 9KM).
  2. Srivari Mettu (above 2KM).

Divya Darshan is for people on foot who come by foot to Tirumala through Gali Gopuram or Srivari Mettu. Darshan Token Price is Free for all.check more deatils about divya darshan

Sarva Darshan is the free darshan where in the explorers sit tight for their swing to get the look at Lord in the compartments of Vaikuntham Queue Complex II.

The timings for Sarvadarsanam are diverse on various days of the week.

Sarvadarsanam signifies ‘darshan for all’. Check more details about Sarva darshan

check also about Journey to tirumala by two wheeler and Four or heavy wheelers  TTD Rules One can reach to tirumala (the temple of lord balaji), 22 km from tirupati either by bus/jeep/prepaid taxi. To reach central bus stand (1 km from railway station), one can hire a auto for 20 Rs. After every 15 min, there are buses for tirumala, fare 30Rs & takes around 1 hr.




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